decades of Experience
A pioneering legacy that continues to positively impact patients
"The essence of research is to find something for which there is no answer and then have the guts to try to find the answer."
Michael B. Sporn, MD
A career dedicated to improving patient outcomes through research, discovery, and design of innovative therapeutics.
A Distinguished Career:
31 years at NIH/NCI that included positions as Chief of the Lung Cancer Branch and Chief of the Laboratory of Chemoprevention;
20 years as Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine at Dartmouth Medical School
Founder of Triterpenoid Therapeutics, Inc.
Significant Accomplishments:
Groundbreaking research that established the field of Retinoids
Discoverer and Developer of Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-B)
Discoverer and Developer of CDDO, Bardoxolone-Methyl and numerous new synthetic triterpenoid drugs
Author of over 500 peer reviewed journal articles
Awards and Acknowledgements
American Cancer Society Medal of Honor
Bristol Meyers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Cancer Research
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Brinker Award
American Association of Cancer Research Award for Excellence in Cancer Prevention Research
National Cancer Institute Eminent Scholar